

Dungeon Punks is a punk rock TTRPG comedy podcast based in Vancouver, Canada. Season 3 - Dungeon Punks: Super U is out now, still featuring music from bands we like!

New episodes every second Wednesday, now on the 604 Podcast Network


Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or subscribe on your favourite podcatcher with our RSS feed: https://www.podcastsofdoom.com/dungeonpunks?format=rss

Find the Songs From Bands We Like on our Spotify and YouTube Music playlists

Follow Dungeon Punks on Bluesky and Instagram or join us on Discord

Episode 4: The Cursed Door - Part 4

The members of RUST MONSTER make a new friend, punch some goblins, and learn the dangers of skipping leg day.

Featured Music: Puppies & Kittens by Autem and Coma Kid by War Baby.

Dungeon Punks is recorded and produced by Kirk Hamilton for the Podcasts of Doom Network. 

If you've been enjoying Dungeon Punks, leave us a review on iTunes! We'd also love to hear from you: tweet us at @DungeonPunksPod, follow us on Instagram @DungeonPunks, and like our Podcasts of Doom page on Facebook for more content.

Season 1Fil Cieplak