

3am Mixtapes is (was) a music podcast from Kirk Hamilton. Each episode explores the top six songs of an oddly specific subject. 

3am Mixtapes: Episode Eighty Seven: Fireworks

Each week on the 3am Mixtapes podcast, I will share with you the Top Six Songs of a certain subject. The topics can be as general as bands playing Rifflandia. Some might be a little more... specific. Top Six Songs For Your Six Senses. 

And seeing as the Symphony of Fire Celebration of Light is back starting this weekend, I figures that would be a good time for the Top Six Songs To Listen To While Watching Fireworks!

Ohh and Ahh with:

"I Used to Pray for the Heavens to Fall" by The Dears
"St Michael" by Louis-Jean Cormier
"Fancy Pants" by Bend Sinister
"That Was Was" by Dirty Three
"Starálfur" by Sigur Rós
"Last Known Surroundings" by Explosions in the Sky

Any questions or comments or waffles or criticisms or suggestions for future themes are welcome!